To the Ellen Janssen Penguins
Artist Ellen Janssen,
a Dutch artist, who - as a child - dreamed to go to the art school.
Finally hat's what she did.
She graduated in Maastricht as a sign lecturer in 1990.
Currently, she works part-time at the "Vrije Akademie ZOM"
as a teacher and coordinator.
In her spare time she is busy with art,
especially with glass art, an art form in which she can explore in the best way her distinctive style.
Her extraordinary sculptures are rich in color
She paints portraits in glass fusing technique, as well as acrylic paint.
She also makes watercolors.
She has managed to integrate the watercolor technique in her glass art. This works really well because glass is transparent and light brings the colors as they are ment to be, with beautiful fine visually blends.
"My goal is to capture emotion in art"
She hopes that others enjoy her art and have fun, like she does !!